Elias Brange
Hi. I'm Elias Brange.
Driving Serverless adoption.
One post at a time.
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Deploy Hono Lambdalith APIs with Lambda Function URLs and CloudFront OAC
Deploy Hono Lambdalith APIs with Lambda Function URLs and CloudFront OAC
| #AWS #Serverless

Learn how to build a Lambdalith API with Hono and deploy it with Lambda Function URLs and CloudFront, using OAC and bearer authentication to restrict access. Compared to REST API Gateway, you can save up to 66.7% of the cost.

An opinionated approach to building serverless APIs
An opinionated approach to building serverless APIs
| #AWS #Serverless

There are countless ways to build serverless APIs. You can use single-purpose Lambda functions, monolithic Lambdaliths, or a mix of both. In this post, I share an opinionated and pragmatic approach that I've found to work well for me.

Build a Simple URL Shortener with CloudFront KeyValueStore
Build a Simple URL Shortener with CloudFront KeyValueStore

Learn how to use CloudFront functions and the newly released CloudFront KeyValueStore to build a simple and fully serverless URL shortener.

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